With us you will receive alimony not only for children but also for yourself

With us you will receive alimony not only for children but also for yourself

With us you will receive alimony not only for children but also for yourself

As a general rule, the spouse entrusted with childcare will receive alimony on children. However, in Poland – in addition to child support – the spouse may request extra alimony on her/ his needs.

A divorced spouse who has not been found to be solely guilty of the breakdown of marriage and who is in a bad financial situation may require from the other divorced spouse to provide her/ him with financial support.

On this basis, alimony can be obtained after divorce if:

– none of the spouses was found guilty of the break-up of the marriage (or if the spouses agreed not to deal with the guilt issue in the trail),
– both spouses were blamed for the breakup of the marriage.

If one of the above-mentioned situations occurs, one spouse may demand alimony from the other spouse. However, two additional conditions must be met:

– a spouse applying for alimony has to be in a diffucult financial situation,
– a spouse who is obliged to pay alimony must have adequate earnings.

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