Why is it worth to get divorced in Poland?

Why is it worth to get divorced in Poland?

Compared to other countries, divorce in Poland is relatively fast and inexpensive. In addition, the spouses do not have to be separated before getting divorce (unlike, for example, Italy, where earlier separation of spouses is compulsory).

In Poland, it is possible that the Divorce Court will issue a divorce verdict at the first hearing. This happens especially when the divorce petition is well written and there is agreement between the parties not to rule on guilt during a trial.

To get a divorce in Poland, you don’t have to be marry in Poland. There is therefore no obstacle, if the marriage was concluded, e.g. in England, France or Italy. In a such scenario, the spouses may still file a divorce petition in Poland.

Also, to get a divorce in Poland, you don’t have to be a Pole.

European regulations make it possible for citizens who are not Polish to file a divorce petition in Poland.

A Divorce Court in Poland may always issue a divorce if:

– both spouses had their last place of residence or their last habitual residence in Poland, but only if one of them still has their place of residence or habitual residence in the Republic of Poland,
– the spouse who is the plaintiff has had a place of residence or habitual residence in the Republic of Poland for at least one year immediately before the commencement of proceedings,
– the spouse who is the plaintiff is a Polish citizen and has been resident or habitually resident in the Republic of Poland for at least six months immediately before initiating the proceedings,
– both spouses are Polish citizens.

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