What does the divorce verdict in Poland contain?

What does the divorce verdict in Poland contain?

In a divorce verdict in Poland, the court must rule on the following matters:

1) on dissolution of the marriage;
2) about the fault of the distribution of the marriage of one or both spouses; The Divorce court will refrain from adjudging on guilt only at the joint request of the spouses;
3) on parental responsibility over the joint minor child (s) of the spouses;
4) about the parents’ contact with the child (children), however, upon the joint request of the parties, the Divorce Court will refrain from adjudicating on this matter;
5) how to use the flat if the spouses occupy a joint flat.

In a divorce verdict issued, the Divorce Court in Poland may also:

1) order the eviction of the spouse at the request of the other spouse;
2) decide upon the joint request of the parties about the division of a shared apartment or the allocation of an apartment to one of the spouses;
3) order maintenance for a divorced spouse at his / her request;
4) divide joint property at the joint request of one of the spouses, if this division does not cause excessive delay in the proceedings.

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